We reached Zion as our final park, unfortunately we didn't make it to the grand canyon this time because we got held up some days previous.
Zion has a shuttle service to save on using gas, so J got a break and we decided to take the bus all the way up to the top to make our way back down.
Some of the popular hikes and walks include:
The weeping rock - a rock that drips with water which seeped into it 800 years ago
The narrows - a walk through the canyon that becomes a river walk - the river banks disappear and the canyon cliffs get narrower as the water gets deeper!
The Mormons discovered Zion, hence all the mountains and interesting points have biblical references. The three patriots, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are three massive mountains in a row. Angels landing, Altar of Sacrifice and The Great White Throne are others along the way.
We decided to walk the narrows, and were forewarned to take a walking stick and be prepared to get wet up to our waists! And I was dressed for horse riding!
Stepping into the water was quite surprising. You see people of all ages daring to try it, but none are prepared for the current! A surfer dude was clinging onto the edge of the rock laughing at me: 'like your really dressed for hiking' Ha yeah so are you mate - you ok clinging on there?!
Eventually I decided that, yes, a walking stick would help so I managed to find a suiter, much to the envy of the Americans walking by 'Oh my! Thats a goood stick!'
We spent the rest of the day working out how to dry off - but the sun pretty much did the job in 30mins or so.
This is the seeping water that looks like gold in the sunset light.

We also saw the weeping rock and emerald pools before it was time to head off - lots of miles to cover now we are journeying Home.