Day 1
Arrived at Ibiza Airport 2am, the buses don't run until 7am so we made friends with some New Zealanders and slept under the stars on a grassy bank next the airport
At 7am we headed off to San Jordi market, held at the hippodrome. Scorching heat, sun still rising. Decided the market wasn't the right sort of place to sell my dresses, so we got the bus to the campsite where we relaxed, ate croissants and attempted to cool down
Day 2
The Beach!
Our campsite has it's own supermarket so we got a huuge bottle of water and lots of fruit. Our beach is literally 2mins away and fairly small. The brown spanish kids run around naked, whilst the poor english kids are covered head to toe in a light wetsuit, a hat, sunglasses and suncream that hasn't been rubbed in enough.
Ate Paella :)

Days 3 & 4
Went to the night market at Las Dalias. Totally gypsy and boho - crazy didgeridoo music and people from all sorts of nations selling hand made crafts and gorgeous items. Wish I brought €1000 to spend here. Having said that - the atmosphere was a bit too much. Very Buda and a bit too strange for me. Was happy to get back to the campsite :)
Took a bus ride to San Antonio - the club central - to checkout the atmosphere. Found some gorgeous little shops clustered together. Bough a lushious bangle. Yay :)
Found the most amazing bakery in Es Cana, selling cheesecakes, tarts and apple pie slices. Yom!
Days 5&6
World famous Hippy market at Es Cana. This was a daytime market absolutely heaving with people - many english families. Loads and loads of stalls set up in maze, fortunately enough shady spots to survive.
Took a boat to Ibiza Town - the capital. Wandered in and out of some funky fashion stores (highlight of my week so far!) and went for a walk up to the castle.
Enjoyed a cuppa tea at Cala Nova for the last time
Last day
Packed up and enjoyed the beach, took funky photos and got the bus to the airport for our flight home at 3am