Saturday, July 19, 2008


We met Scot at the station - He's a guy that J has been emailing who he 'met' through Andy White. We got some food and drove through Chicago to his place in the suburbs. At the moment Scot and his family (wife Sheryl, three boys Ben, 6, Luke, 5 and Ethan, 2 plus 10 week old aiizling (sorry for baaad spelling there) are living at his parents house along with Scots brother and wife SO its amazing that they put us up!!!! Upon arriving (greeted by the gorgeous cute Ethan) we discovered that they had put us up in an amazing hotel!! (Meez's first experience of proper hotel!)

We talked lots about Scot's Church plant - about building upon the right foundations etc.

Kinda hoping J will write a post on this - hes more intellect!

Then on day two (after a scrumptious breakfast) we ended up being big kids and waterfighting with the boys! Also headed off to the candy Factory (do not take Reuben there) (although I did buy you something Reuben!) Followed by a fantastic game of mini golf (I won.....No wait, I think Scot blatantly did, followed by J...followed by Sheryl then me!)

Zayways I'll hopefully get pics up sometime - I abandoned my camera for the majority of the time.

I had an wonderful time - and learnt loads from Sheryl! SUCH a relaxed mum and they were SO generous to us! Thankyou !!

Meez xX

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